What a great read! Hugely entertaining, what a remarkable story! 

Light-hearted tales from an amazing character who figured quite prominently in the history of Washington State. He lived his life to the fullest, and thankfully jotted down a few tales for us to enjoy... Jan really brings them to life in this delightful collection. Is there more?! I hope so!

By Patty

Prohibition and Presbyterian Pews
An Irreverent, Outrageous, Heart-warming Collection of Memories and Washington State History

I knew I would share Robert W. Kennicott's memoir one day but wondered if I could keep his voice and those heart-wrenching memories intact and still keep it G-Rated and Lewis-County-Historical-Museum ready? I couldn't. Bob Kennicott didn't grow up in a G-Rated world. He grew up next to the Great Northern Railroad tracks amidst the rough edges of early Chehalis, Washington. Although his father, Dr. Guy William Kennicott, founded the Lewis County Hospital and was one of Washington State's earliest doctors, young Robert was never spared the harsh realities of a rugged town caught between hardship and loneliness.


Facinating read; Very hard to put down!

By Carol A Bruce July 23, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

We loved everything about this easy reading book - especially the historical snippets. Obviously the subject was well researched by Jan Pierson. Have relegated "Prohibition and Presbyterian Pews" to our guest room night table so our guests have a good book to enjoy!

The Haunted Horse of Gold Hill - INDEPENDENT PUBLISHER BOOK AWARD ~ Juvenile/Young Adult Fiction.
IPPY Book Awards, Jenkins Group
  • Ghostowners Series - Book Number One
  • Ghostowners Series - Book Number Two
  • Ghostowners Series - Book Number Three
  • Ghostowners Series - Book Number Four
  • Ghostowners Series - Book Number Five
Goodbye God, I'm Going to Bodie
Goodbye God, I'm Going to Bodie

Ghostowners Series - Book Number One

When Meggie and Paige and a kid named Johnny uncover the missing diary in the ghost town of Bodie, California, they have no idea what secrets had been buried for over a hundred years. Bodie--once known as the Wildest Mining Camp in the West--comes to life through the words of the unknown girl whose words, Goodbye God, I'm going to Bodie have become a legend. The Ghostowners set out to discover Anna's secrets, but uncover a whole lot more than they had bargained for.


 5 Exciting, Enthralling, Involving!

By LeRoy on July 20, 2003
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

I started this book not knowing what to expect. Suddenly I found myself involved in the adventure along with Meggie and Paige. I have been to the ghost town of Bodie many times and I could relate to everything the author presented. It was as though I was there and a part of the mystery. The way the author wove history and the story together made it compelling reading. I originally intended to read only one chapter at a time. However, when I came to the end of a chapter the story compelled me to continue reading. Before I knew it I was in the middle of another chapter. I am an adult male and have read many books on Bodie and never enjoyed one as much as this. I recommend this story for children of "all" ages. To the author I say "BRAVO, WELL DONE!" I look forward to more of her books



Ghost of Nighthawk
Ghost of Nighthawk

Ghostowners Series - Book Number Two

​The freaky ghost appears to live on the second floor of the old hotel in Nighthawk, and twelve-year-old Meggie wouldn't be caught dead up there if her best friend didn't need her help. Paige is trapped in an abandoned well, and Meggie must make a rope from the ragged curtains hanging in the windows and rescue her. But why are the pain-in-the-neck kid, Jay Paul Leeberg, and an old man named Julian Cooksey following them? When they find themselves trapped in the Nighthawk Mine, they learn the shocking truth about the gold, the Ghost of Nighthawk, and the old man.


WOW..A great book for all ages who love to read about the old west ghost towns..Characters are close to actual inhabitants..

By jack foster  on July 14, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

I own property in Nighthawk and Jan Piersons book is one every library should have featuring stories of the great Nighthawk gold town. This building still stands and as you stand and watch the windows you may see the little girl reaching for the curtain rod to discover a long ago hidden secret..Buy this book, it will leave you with a warm-fuzzy feeling..I have three of her books and they all peak the interest of all of my grandchildren..great work Jan...



Shadow of Shaniko
Shadow of Shaniko

Ghostowners Series - Book Number Three

The ghost town of Shaniko, Oregon wasn't supposed to be dangerous, but the howling going on in the old Shaniko School night after night tells Meggie and Paige otherwise. A ghost? They are terrified when threatening messages begin appearing on the chalk board in the school, warning them to leave. In this fast-paced mystery, the Ghostowners find themselves being stalked by the shadow, trapped in Shaniko's huge wool barn--a warehouse once known as the biggest wool barn in the world. Teaming up with Gabe Stackpole, a Native American runaway from the Warm Springs Reservation, the truth begins to emerge from the shadows.


Love all Calamity Jan's books

By Joanne G.  on July 18, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

This book kept my attention, a real page turner, even thought I bought it for my grandkids. Love all Calamity Jan's books.


The Haunted Horse of Gold Hill
The Haunted Horse of Gold Hill

Ghostowners Series - Book Number Four

Why is the mysterious mustang colt circling the tombstone on the outskirts of Gold Hill, Nevada? What haunts this small, wild horse that has been sighted for over a hundred years? Twelve-year-old Paige, and her best friend, Meggie are determined to find out, but a teenage drifter named Brooks involves them in an even more perilous web of high-stakes danger and intrigue. Is this ranch hand a mustanger involved in an illegal horse smuggling operation intent on capturing the wild horses? The Ghostowners soon find out.


Brilliant Imaginative Tale about a special Horse Spirit and Happening in the Comstock.

By whecologist  on July 20, 2014
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Wonderful book that I thoroughly enjoyed. So full of imagination and insight. Really takes you there. I am from this area and this story very much captivated me. Thank you Jan for writing such a fine story.


Ghost Girl in Car No 9
Ghost Girl in Car No 9

Ghostowners Series - Book Number Five

According to legend, the Ghost Girl has been appearing on the Virginia & Truckee railroad for over a hundred years. Suddenly the legend becomes a reality for the three ghost town detectives when the beautiful young girl appears and beckons from the baggage section of Car No. 9, pleading for their help and asking them to follow her into an old trunk that takes them back in time. Reluctantly, they follow her, finding themselves caught up in a wild and famous segment of western history circa 1872. Infamous stagecoach driver Hank Monk, notorious Pony Bob of the Pony Express and legendary Snowshoe Thompson of Genoa all engage the desperate girl, an orphan heading for the Nevada Children's Asylum, in a heart-stopping journey to find her lost dog and avoid her frightening fate. This tension-packed story, laced with humor, blends with just the right amount of history to make this read both educational and fun.


Terrific Read!

By Kathy in Reno on March 15, 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Wonderful story, I enjoyed it so much I read it under the covers with a flash light after my mom turned out the lights. Very imaginative and kind of scary. Would recommend it to any age, Even my grandma loved it!

Ghost Girl In Car 9
Wonderful Audio Book and Little Z Won't Put It Down

A friend of mine told me about Calamity Jan how her writings of books for young readers might interest my niece Zayda. She attends elementary school in Verdi Nevada and loves Western stories which are tied into some history of the area. I downloaded the audio book, Ghost Girl in Car #9 for her and she loved it! Problem now is that we're going to have to get little Z her own mobile device as she won't give mine back. Thanks Jan for a wonderful story! Your writings are awesome. I'll be getting your other books too.

By Robert B. in Reno on April 22, 2016
Format: Audio Book Verified Purchase